Firm Overview

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“ We have to get used to the idea that at the most important crossroads in our life there are no signs. Two roads diverged in a wood and I took the one less traveled by. And that has made all the difference. “

 (Ernest Hemingway and Robert Frost) 

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" Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts. “


(Winston Churchill)

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“It’s very easy to be different, but very difficult to be better.”


(Jonathan Ive)

"Dreams don’t come true just because you believe in them. They come true when you get up and do whatever it takes to make them happen. It’s not fate. It’s you!"



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"Dear guys, I know how difficult is to find a job today, but do not settle for a job or a career, look for your natural tendency.


(Phil Knight, founder of Nike, addressed to an audience of  high school students)

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“ Everything will be ok in the end. If it’s not okay, it’s not the end. “


(John Lennon)

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“ Don't follow trends, start trends. ”


(Frank Capra)

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" The real problem is not falling, but staying down." 


(Pope Francis)

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“ Only a fool believes that anyone who loves shopping is willing to do it anywhere”



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"Dreams don’t come true just because you believe in them. They come true when you get up and do whatever it takes to make them happen. It’s not fate. It’s you!"



"Dreams don’t come true just because you believe in them. They come true when you get up and do whatever it takes to make them happen. It’s not fate. It’s you!"


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"When the winds of change blow, some build shelters, others build windmills."


(Chinese Proverb)

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"Dreams don’t come true just because you believe in them. They come true when you get up and do whatever it takes to make them happen. It’s not fate. It’s you!"



“ There will always be someone who will not understand your choice. 

But one chooses to continue, not to be understood. “ 


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"Refined in thought, pirates in action."


(The mantra of the BL team)

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"The hardest part is the decision to act; the rest is just tenacity. Fears are paper tigers. You can do anything you decide to do. You can take action to change and control your life; and the process itself is the reward.”

 (Amelia Earhart)

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"If you fail, you might be disappointed, but you’ll be damned if you don’t try."


(Beverly Sills)

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“  A goal without a plan is just a wish. There are only two rules for being successful. One, figure out exactly what you want to do, and two, do it. “


(Mario Cuomo)

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And those who were seen dancing where thought to be insane by whose who could not hear the music 


(Beverly Sills)

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"The world is once again going through a difficult time. People cling to habits like a rock, when instead they should dive into the sea. They should believe, not just hope. They should act, not just try. And truly live."
